Mindlete Month

For the month of November:
Learn how to let go of hard feelings,
Find control of your emotions,
Outwit doubt and fear,
All while gaining a better relationship with yourself.

Join me for Mindlete Month! Starts November 1st.

This month I’m bringing you all the goodies! You will learn the skills of emotion regulation and self-talk for only $38!

It will take place on Instagram, in a private account. You will be invited to that account once you sign up and pay through Venmo or Paypal. If you’ve done one of my challenges before, this will remind you of info you may have forgotten, give you new info, bring you more support and accountability, and 1-1 coaching from me.

This is the perfect time for these skills too because you will be around family this holiday season. I believe being able to handle your emotions allows you to have better connections with the people you love.

This month is for you!

What to expect:
-Posts everyday to help keep you motivated and inspired.
-Challenges every week to help you practice the skills.
-Weekly live sessions.
-2 one-on-one 30min support calls from me to help tailor the skills into your life.
-Downloadable PDF's.