Kickstart Your Habits

I’m not a big fan of setting New Year's Resolutions.

Hear me out.

I’m not big into resolutions anymore because resolutions are not specific enough. I tell myself I’m going to lose 10lbs or get healthier, but I don’t tell myself how I’m going to do it. When I look back, I feel like I failed.

This last year I focused more on incorporating new habits into my life rather than focusing on goals. With this thinking I found myself being more specific and focusing more on taking action rather than just thinking about being 10lbs skinnier. The habits became working out 3x a week, flossing once a day, and drinking 80oz of water everyday. These are so much more specific. My focus was on actionable behavior. I was implementing behaviors that could get me to the goals that I wanted.

I want to do this again for the year 2022 and I want you to do it with me!

If you want to break old habits and incorporate new ones, if you want support and accountability to stay consistent, if you want to learn how to make your habits effective, join Kickstart Your Habits.

It’s $30 for 6 days packed with accountability, support, mental skills, and inspiration.

What to expect:

  • It will take place on a private Instagram group.
  • There will be one post everyday teaching about habits and mental skills.
  • Two Lives that week to answer questions.
  • Texts from me every morning to keep you accountable.
  • PDF’s to help implement the skills being taught.

You can do anything for 6 days. Let’s kickstart those habits in 2022!